3 ways communications teams can boost employee engagement

When creating connection takes a village

Why is “employee engagement” the buzziest phrase lately?

Probably because a recent stat from Gallup showed only 23% of the global workforce is engaged. Employee stress, an improved job market and a desire for more support and recognition have all contributed to a disengaged workforce.

If you're on a communications or PR team, you're already stretched thin with a long list of to-dos. Developing a strategy to connect with those checked-out employees when you're already doing ALL THE THINGS is exhausting. 

Here are three novel ways to approach employee engagement and build the company brand for corporate communications teams:

Apply for Top Workplace awards

According to Gallup, many of the employees who are disengaged said they would like more recognition. Indeed, internal awards programs are vital to creating an engaging workplace, but generally, those live in the domain of Human Resources. Communications teams can help by seeking out industry awards for the organization.

Winning awards unites companies and employees by developing a shared sense of pride and mission. Winning industry awards is also a lovely opportunity to reinforce the organization's desired culture to employees and recognize their hard work.

Talk about ESG internally

75% of U.S. executives say ESG positively impacts employee engagement, according to SHRM research. Are you communicating about sustainability to your employees? I'm guessing not, especially if it's not super relevant to your industry. But you should.

Chances are, your employees are feeling stressed about climate change and would feel proud to work for a company that cares about this issue. Bonus points for connecting it to your company's mission and brand, AKA make it make sense.

Support your managers

Gallup says 70% of team engagement is attributable to the manager, making them a great place to invest extra time and energy. What do your managers need to know? How could you get that info to them succinctly and just in time?

Could you create special manager hubs, resource centers or listservs and safe places to ask questions that help them feel supported? 

I know a company that supported their managers through a diversity, equity and inclusion transiformation by creating a weekly DEI update for just for them. The email included resources just for them. 

You've got a lot on your plate, but you can make a difference. Hopefully, one of these ideas will turn your disengaged employees into brand ambassadors.

You've got this. 

At Indigo Communications, we specialize in culture communications and brand content for mid-sized insurance and financial service companies committed to positive impact.

Connect with us today to learn more about our services.


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